Wednesday 8 October 2014

5 weeks to go...

In my recent trip to the FCD offices in Leicester, anticipation is building with only 5 weeks to go, and the FCD’s producer Richard is busy organising audio cables and cameras for the multitude of sessions available over the three days. Whilst admiring the list of keynote speakers and performers stuck on the wall, I’m curious to know a bit more about the origins of the event, and what the main aim is.

FCD have developed People Dancing around three ideas; discussion, workshops and performances and in doing so encompasses a number of settings in which dance takes place across the globe. As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been a platform for participatory sharing for over 10 years, so this is going to be a momentous event.

So why Cardiff? I get the impression Cardiff is a place that really has community dance at its heart. Rubicon is the community dance development organisation for Cardiff and Newport and was one of the first of its kind in the UK. Additionally Dawns Powys Dance, NEW Dance, TAN Dance and Dawns I Bawb are all organisations that advocate the core values of community dance, and principally are about PEOPLE and PARTICIPATION which we can all be passionate about. So, holding the event here seems only fitting, and thankfully the city has enough space to accommodate us all.

 I see the event starting a global conversation using the international language of Dance. Artists, leaders and teachers from all over the world will share knowledge, skills and experiences through doing, watching, listening and talking about dance. Everyone’s contribution is welcome, and in my opinion, the more we share ideas, the richer our dance experience and voice can become.

The difficulty  is in choosing which sessions to go to.  Book now to avoid being disappointed! You can choose your sessions online using the link below.

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